
○2017〜2018年度 現代史研究会 7月例会
場所:東京大学本郷キャンパス 法文1号館1階114教室
 報告題目:「戦後スターリン期の祭典 モスクワ800周年記念祭を中心に(仮)」

○2017〜2018年度 現代史研究会 6月例会
場所:早稲田大学早稲田キャンパス 16号館106教室
合評会 橋本伸也編著『せめぎあう中東欧・ロシアの歴史認識問題――ナチズムと社会主義の過去をめぐる葛藤』(ミネルヴァ書房)

○2017〜2018年度 現代史研究会 4月例会
日時: 2018年4月22日(日) 14:00 ~
場所: 東京大学本郷キャンパス 法文1号館319教室

○2017〜2018年度 現代史研究会 3月例会
日時: 2018年3月25日(日) 14:00 – 17:00
場所: 明治大学駿河台キャンパス 研究棟4階第1会議室
内容: 川越修・矢野久著『明日に架ける歴史学』書評および著者リプライ
書評者 高岡裕之氏(関西学院大学)
(*科研費・基盤研究(C)「東ドイツ社会国家にみるセクシュアリティと政治の関係性」 (研究代表者:水戸部由枝、研究課題番号:16K02051)との共催 )

○2017〜2018年度 現代史研究会 2月例会
題目:Religious Mission in Global History: Knowledge Making in Colonial Times (英語による講演)
要旨:This paper argues that the role mission played for the making of modern knowledge has to be reevaluated. During the long nineteenth century European and American missionaries, be they catholic or protestant, began to build up a world-wide web of mission stations, connecting remote areas within different regions out and inside of Europe. One connected via mission newsletters and journals, this web not only helped to spread Christian faith and Christian rituals to the colonies. It also served as a network of various kinds of knowledge, gained on the ground by the missionaries who had to learn the language in their mission field as well as to gain a basic understanding of the respective community. They wrote entire language manuals and grammar books of thousands of until than in Europe unknown languages, they studied rituals, and observed natural phenomena in all parts of the world. This new world of missionary knowledge has not remained without influence on the making of new academic disciplines such as anthropology, religious studies botany and tropical medicine, all coming into being around 1900. However, missionaries not only had to offer an add-on to these disciplines, it shaped and reshaped some of them in a particular way and therewith contributed to modern epistemologies.
Having a fresh look at these contributions from a global history perspective offers new insights into the global dimension of modern knowledge production in the long nineteenth century. At the same time, it opens up new questions concerning the religious or vice versa secular dimension of these modern epistemologies.

講演者プロフィール:Rebekka Habermas is Professor for Modern History at the Georg August University Göttingen, Germany, since 2000. She received her PhD from the University of Saarbrucken and her habilitation (Frauen und Männer des Bürgertum. Eine Familiengeschichte, Goettingen: Vandenhoeck Rupprecht 2000) at the University of Bielefeld. She was guest professor at the EHESS, Paris and at the Université de Montréal; Richard von Weizsäcker Fellow at St Antony’s College/Oxford; Theodor Heuss Professor at the New School /New York. Her research fields are the social and cultural history of 19th century Germany, criminal history ( Thieves in Court. The Making of the German Legal System in the Nineteenth Century, Cambridge: CUP 2016) and religious. Her most recent research deals with colonial history (Skandal in Togo. Ein Kapitel deutscher Kolonialgeschichte (Frankfurt: S. Fischer 2016) history of missions and the history of colonial knowledge.

○2017〜2018年度 現代史研究会 12月例会